Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Because Motherhood is full of insanity!

There are of course somethings that we can do to ease the encroaching insanity.  I would suggest reading some kind of parenting book, I personally chose to read "What to expect the first year". I am finding it to be invaluable information and very helpful.  I am sure that there are other fabulous ones out there as well.

Leave your house, everyday.  Even if it is just for a little walk around the bock or to the mailbox.  Take the baby with you, in the stroller, baby carrier (sling, ergo, mai tei etc), or just carry her.  Getting out of the house keeps you from feeling caged.  

Getting dressed and having a shower (not in that order) will do wonders for keeping sanity intact.  Some mom's shower with their babies (I personally have not tried this).  I have showered while she naps, put her in a bouncy chair in the bathroom, or waited until the hubby is home.  Saturdays I have a nice long shower or a bath.  It is amazing how much better you feel after that.  

Take sometime for yourself.  Read a book, play your DS, watch a movie, paint, take a yoga class, do Sodoku (if your baby brain will let you), listen to your iPod, go for coffee with a friend.  Do something that you really enjoy doing.  Plus it gives you something to look forward to.  

Laugh.  Find the humour in things.  Watch a funny movie/tv show.  Reminisce with friends and family.  Laugh at your experiences.  It will make you feel much better.  

The biggest tip I would give is to meet with other moms.  Regularly.  I can't tell you how good it feels to have someone to talk to.  You think your baby is doing something odd? Talk to the ladies, it is so reassuring!  Had a little breakdown and feeling quite stupid about it?  Talk to the ladies, you will find out that you are not alone, and you are normal.  There is no need to sit on the edge of your bed crying hysterically (although sometimes it does make you feel a little better)

They say it takes a village to raise a child, so get out there and find yours.  I found a wonderful group of women with Momstown!  These women inspire and encourage me everyday.   

Do whatever it is you have to do.  If you are a happy sane mommy, you will have a happy baby.  And a happy baby = a happy mommy.  It seems to be a cycle. 

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