Saturday, 15 October 2011

♥ Things I Love Saturday ♥

I love that ♥

THINGS I LOVE - My daughter grabs my face and tries to put her fingers in my mouth when I hover over her.

THINGS I LOVE - She buries her face into my chest when she's sleepy

THINGS I LOVE - She roars like a dinosaur before shoving things {anything, really} into her mouth. Then she grins when we laugh at her. I'm pretty sure she knows how hilarious she is.

THINGS I LOVE - She holds onto my arm now when I carry her around

THINGS I LOVE - She screeches to her little heart's content while playing 

THINGS I LOVE - She cuddles her blankie when she's sleeping
THINGS I LOVE - How she is infatuated with her fur brother Max

THINGS I LOVE - She looks forward to her Dad getting home everyday. 

THINGS I LOVE - She laughs every single time you lift her up over your head

THINGS I LOVE - After waking up, she just lays in her crib for a few minutes talking, and always greets me with a big smile when I go to get her

THINGS I LOVE - She has started reaching for me when others are holding her.  

She is just so much fun!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

♥ Things I Hate Thursday ♥

 This weather really has me down lately, as do a lot of other little things.  Since it always makes me feel better to get it off my chest here we go.  If you are in a positive mood you may not want to read this.  Need to vent or bitch about random things?  So do I.  

THINGS I HATE.....when people are late. I'm not talking about 10 or 15 mins late. Like over an hour late. Don't tell me 12pm and then show up at 1:30pm.

THINGS I HATE.....that I just can't look the way I want to look. I'm not really talking about weight or anything {ok maybe a little} but more cosmetic with facial things. I know I know... but still, I'm so self-conscious and I wish I could stop being like that.

THINGS I HATE.....the banks are starting to charge to use your debit card. That's stupid. Why do you have to pay to use your own money? Don't they do that already in those maintenance fees every month?

THINGS I HATE.....two day weekends. It should be three days long. That would be full-filling for me.  On the plus side, this is a four day weekend for us, yay! 

THINGS I HATE.....migraines. I can't stress enough how much I hate them. If you have gotten them like I have, you would be saying the same thing.

THINGS I HATE.....arguments. It seems to have solved problems in the past, but doesn't work anymore. Now, it just causes more fighting.

THINGS I HATE.....12 inch finger nails. Bitch, that's some ugly shit. It ain't cute and whoever thought it was should be shot

THINGS I HATE.....when people talk down to you and they either get that really rude attitude or the whole "I'm better then you" thing going on. Seriously? You're the fool, not me.

THINGS I HATE.....that I sometimes drive myself insane with stress.

THINGS I HATE.....when you are looking forward to watching something and you turn it on, and some stupid show or broadcast replaced it. Damn you.

THINGS I HATE.....when you feel like no one understands of cares. I hate feeling like I have no one to relate to.

THINGS I HATE.....that no matter how late I stay up and clean, at the end of the next day it looks like five tornadoes blew through.  

THINGS I HATE.....when the little one is sick. You can't do nothing about it and its horrible cause all they want to figure out why they can't get better. Mine has a bad cough right now. Nothing else but I hate seeing her say it hurts her to cough.

THINGS I HATE.....grotty old men. Yuck... keep your eyes, looks, hands, and remarks to yourself. Nasty gross sick fuckers. Don't ask my friends how old she is and then when she replies, lick your lips and then say "that's a sweet age". Yuck!

THINGS I HATE.....that the laundry doesn't wash and fold itself. Come one, we are living in the age of technology, it should have been doing stuff like that by now. I'm waiting! I want to live like the Jetsons. 

THINGS I HATE…..when people don’t stop for pedestrians in the parking lot. Especially at shopping centers where everyone is crossing. I’m sick & tired of having to fight with the cars to walk across the parking lot. I have a kid dammit, please stop trying to run me over or race ahead so you don’t have to wait the 20 seconds it would take me to cross.

THINGS I HATE…..when people just say stupid shit. I know we all do at times, but I mean like really stupid shit & all the time too.

THINGS I HATE....this weather that we have been having lately.  It is just depressing.  

Ok, well, I think that about sums up this post of Things I Hate Thursday. What's bothering you? Share it, it is quite liberating!  

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

What If Wednesday

•If I were to get pregnant again I would be WORRIED about how I'd be able to care for Finley, who would be just one at that point and a newborn.  But babies are always a blessing, so we would be thrilled to have another sweet baby to love. 

•If I could have any job in the world 
I would probably be a travel writer. I would love to travel the globe, and getting paid to do so would be a great bonus! The only problem with this job is that I'd have to put Finley in day care and I don't think I could do that! I love being a stay at home mama and don't think I could trust anyone else to take care of her. 

•If I had a day to myself I would probably just sleep the whole day. I'm not even kidding! 

•If I could get married all over again I wouldn't change a thing. I love my husband, our marriage, and our life together

•If I could live anywhere in Canada I would probably either stay in Edmonton or move to Saskatoon. We really love our life here! That being said our family is living in Saskatoon and some days it would just be easier to be there, we feel like we miss out on a lot of things living here. 

•If Finley would have been a boy she probably would have been named Beckett or Bennett. 

•If I could have any talent in the world I would love to be able to paint/draw really well. 

•If I could go back to school and get a different degree I would go for business degree. 

•If money were not an object we would settle down somewhere warm and buy a house close to the beach. 

•If I could meet one celebrity I would probably want to meet Audrey Hepburn (I know she is dead, but since this is made up, why not). 

•If I could only shop at one store for the rest of my life it would definitely be Target. I love that store way too much!  Looking forward to getting them in Canada within a few years!

•If we get another pet it would be a puppy because my husband and I love dogs.  I wouldn’t mind getting Max a little playmate, but I am not sure he would like to share the spotlight. 

•If I could go on a trip, RIGHT NOW, I'd go to Costa Rica again in a heartbeat, we love it down there. 

•If I had to choose between a house cleaner and a personal chef, I'd DEFINITELY pick the cleaner. I love having a neat and tidy house and I feel like I'm ALWAYS cleaning right now, even though it's hard to do with Finley around. 

•If I had to get plastic surgery I'd probably get lasik on my eyes and MAYBE nose job to fix my nose 

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Because Motherhood is full of insanity!

There are of course somethings that we can do to ease the encroaching insanity.  I would suggest reading some kind of parenting book, I personally chose to read "What to expect the first year". I am finding it to be invaluable information and very helpful.  I am sure that there are other fabulous ones out there as well.

Leave your house, everyday.  Even if it is just for a little walk around the bock or to the mailbox.  Take the baby with you, in the stroller, baby carrier (sling, ergo, mai tei etc), or just carry her.  Getting out of the house keeps you from feeling caged.  

Getting dressed and having a shower (not in that order) will do wonders for keeping sanity intact.  Some mom's shower with their babies (I personally have not tried this).  I have showered while she naps, put her in a bouncy chair in the bathroom, or waited until the hubby is home.  Saturdays I have a nice long shower or a bath.  It is amazing how much better you feel after that.  

Take sometime for yourself.  Read a book, play your DS, watch a movie, paint, take a yoga class, do Sodoku (if your baby brain will let you), listen to your iPod, go for coffee with a friend.  Do something that you really enjoy doing.  Plus it gives you something to look forward to.  

Laugh.  Find the humour in things.  Watch a funny movie/tv show.  Reminisce with friends and family.  Laugh at your experiences.  It will make you feel much better.  

The biggest tip I would give is to meet with other moms.  Regularly.  I can't tell you how good it feels to have someone to talk to.  You think your baby is doing something odd? Talk to the ladies, it is so reassuring!  Had a little breakdown and feeling quite stupid about it?  Talk to the ladies, you will find out that you are not alone, and you are normal.  There is no need to sit on the edge of your bed crying hysterically (although sometimes it does make you feel a little better)

They say it takes a village to raise a child, so get out there and find yours.  I found a wonderful group of women with Momstown!  These women inspire and encourage me everyday.   

Do whatever it is you have to do.  If you are a happy sane mommy, you will have a happy baby.  And a happy baby = a happy mommy.  It seems to be a cycle. 

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Twenty Weeks

I`m not exactly sure where this week has gone, but it has all become one big blur.  Having a baby will do that to seems to make time speed up, in fact.  The weeks are passing by so quickly,  I cannot believe Miss F is twenty weeks old today!!!  She is thirteen days away from being 5 MONTHS old.  It is unbelievable how quickly this year is passing already.

World of Mommy

So, I was on facebook today and checking out pictures of a friends baby who was just born.  It brought back all the warm fuzzies from when Miss F was born.  It had me remembering everything that went on during those exciting first days.

It mostly brought back the memory of the weirdest feeling that I have ever felt.  After having Miss F at 1:32 in the morning, it took hours for the hubby, baby and I to finally get a bit of sleep for the first time.  I had probably only caught twenty minutes of sleep or so before waking up.  Upon waking up I remember that ``where the heck am I feeling``, the kind you get when you go on vacation and wake up the first day confused for all of 2.5 seconds until you realize where you are at.  Anyway, I remember rubbing my eyes and looking around and realizing that I was in the hospital.  I remember looking over at the little see through bassinet that held my precious baby girl who was sound asleep.  That was when I had it, the weirdest feeling ever.

The last time I had fallen asleep, I had woken up to just my husband.  This time, I was waking up to a tiny person who depended on me for everything.  I take myself to the bathroom when I need to go,  I make my food when I am hungry.  I go to sleep when I am tired.  It took a minute to sink in and fully understand that this tiny little person needed me to help her do all these things.  I had prepared myself for this thought long before I gave birth, but actually BEING in that situation and realizing how fully real it is.  Well...that is scary as hell.

It was a weird feeling.  Don`t get me wrong I was up for the challenge, and thrilled to be her mom.  Still, it was an odd feeling.  I did what all mommy`s do...I took a deep breath, looked around and threw myself into the World of Mommy.  What an awesome word that is!

Friday, 30 September 2011


Dear Telemarketers


That is my answer to whatever you are about to ask me.  

You seal that answer when you hit the redial button while I precariously balance a slippy wet baby in the tub, try to eat dinner, go to the bathroom, try to enjoy a moment to myself or just lay my head down for the night.  You call to offer me crap I would never buy repeatedly, the answer is still the same as yesterday, NO!

Same goes for donations, we are not jerks, we give to every family member, who is collecting for whatever cause, every time.  Calling me and trying to guilt me into your cause is not going to make me write you a cheque.  

As we are trying to sell our house, I now answer every call and I am tired of dealing with you! 

Your telemarketer trainer must have disliked you; seeing as you think it is appropriate to call me to convince me to change my life insurance, when I say no and you happen to hear my child in the background, you tell me a good mother would switch to your company.  Are you motherfarking kidding me!  Some smooth-talker you are.  

When I say to put me on your do not call list, in a voice boarding on psychotic, you should really stop talking at this point.  You will never get a yes out of me.  



PS - It is really not satisfying to hang up a cell phone as it is to slam down a receiver on an old school corded phone! 


The cup of tea I made this morning is sitting in the microwave, waiting to be consumed after it's fourth nuke of the day.  I haven't showered today and I'm living in my sweats.  A lot of days dinner consists of something haphazardly thrown together because there is no time for anything else.

I refer to myself as Mommy or Mama, and to Frank as Daddy, and then talk about myself in the third person.  I am a mom to Finley, the most rewarding, challenging job in the world.  Below is a day in my life.

7:20 AM - Finley is babbling "Mommy, I'm awake, please come and get me now!"  I go into her room and she gives me a giant gummy smile and squeals at me.  I love it when she does that.  I change her, let her play for a bit, then food time!  She eats some and then tries to be cheeky and looks at me with the most adorable baby blues and smiles and starts to tell me about her night.  I know I shouldn't encourage her to be distracted during feeding time, but she is just so cute,  I can't resist smiling back at her and talking to her.

8:30 AM - downstairs we go.  I put her in her swing with her soother, so I can grab a bite to eat.

9:00 AM - time for more food and then down for a nap, maybe Mommy can have a mini-vacation (aka - Shower).

9:35 AM - what was I thinking, of course we will only have a nap today if I hold her.

10:30 AM - Playtime!

11:00 AM - bath time.  I am so lucky that she loves her bath, always has, hopefully, always will.

2:00 PM - I have to hold Finley and walk around in the house as she is quite cranky in the afternoons.  We play air planes on the bed and she giggles.  It is a wonderful sound, and a great distraction for a cranky baby.

4:30 PM - I start to feed her but she keeps falling asleep so it takes a while.  She is so cute though, I always find it so hard to disturb her.

6:00 PM - Daddy's home!!!!  My sleepy, cranky baby is suddenly full of life and gives Daddy a huge smile.  She loves her Daddy so much, everything he says and does is comedic gold to her.

6:30 PM - We start the bedtime routine.  Put her in her PJ's and turn the lights all on dim.  Not that it matters, she will be up for hours still.

7:30 PM - Could it be, she is actually asleep in her crib, Daddy is a genius!  He shall be dubbed the baby whisperer.

7:40 PM  - Spoke to soon.  She is up. I try to read her a story.  Finley prefers her own stories and starts babbling really loudly.  Daddy is laughing in the other room.  I know I should not indulge her, but she is just so darn cute.

9:00 PM - Let`s try this again.  Put her in a clean diaper, and in her sleep sack.  I feed her again.  It is so sweet how she likes to pet me while she eats.

9:45 PM - Daddy has taken her upstairs to try to put her to sleep.

9:55 PM - Oops she is crying, I think Daddy needs some help.